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8 Year Old Kills 11 Foot Gator

LAKE WALES, Fla. - An 8-year-old boy in Polk County, Florida caught an 11 foot 3 inch long gator late last month. It was his first real catch despite gator hunting several times with his dad. "Whenever they're big, I'm just like I want to get this gator," said Chantley.

"It teaches him how to survive. It teaches him nature, teaches him life," said Grayson's dad, Kevin Chantley.

Full article here.

God damn Florida is different. They have their own way of raising eight year olds down there, that's for sure. I mean, I don’t even remember what I was doing when I was eight, but I can tell you something I wasn’t doing, hunting giant prehistoric monsters. I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW THAT’S HOW YOU HUNTED GATORS! We’re not talking shooting it from 50 yards, this kid speared this thing in the head! And he can barely lift the spear!

The more you look into it the more insane it is: this kid basically proving he was born to hunt monsters by saying, “"Whenever they're big, I'm just like I want to get this gator,"  which is funny because you know typically whenever they’re big, I’m just like I want to run the fuck away from this gator. And take a look at dad, "It teaches him how to survive. It teaches him nature, teaches him life," I figured you’d teach an eight year old how to survive on maybe a more manageable animal, like a deer, or if you’re talking a suburban eight year old, a hamster. I would say that an alligator would be one of my last choices for what animal I would send my son out to hunt. I probably won’t even let my hypothetical kid walk the dog alone; don’t want the dog to knock him over and scrape his knee. I’m not Florida stock, that’s for sure.

P.S. If this isn’t this guy’s first born, then this isn’t nearly as insane. Once you have one kid and you discover you can keep it alive, I feel like with the second you’re basically trying to see how insane a childhood you can give it before it dies.

P.P.S. Absolutely terrible look for this alligator. Can’t be 11 ft 6 and get bottled by an 8 year old, you just can’t. Poster city