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TSA Worker Caught With Gun In Lunch Box: Is Keeping Guns In Lunch Boxes A Thing?

MANCHESTER, N.H. (CBS) – A Transportation Security Administration worker packed more than just a sandwich in his lunch bag while heading to work at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. The worker mistakenly packed a gun, which was found by officials as the worker passed through a security checkpoint screening before work, confirmed TSA spokesman Mike McCarthy on Tuesday.

Full story here.

Sure it’s a little bit concerning that a TSA agent brought a gun to work. I mean, I probably don’t have to go into the reasons why that's bad. Also, when it comes down to it, the guy was “caught” so maybe TSA isn't 100% useless! I write “caught” in quotes because maybe the guy wasn’t trying to sneak it in. I mean conceivably he could have just forgotten about it? I don’t know!

This brings me to my next thought in this blog: do people just keep guns in lunch boxes? That seems like a strange place to keep your gun. What scenario would that benefit you in? I can think of one specifically, and no others. Plays great if you get stuck in a mid-lunch hold up, but other than that you’re screwed!

Scene: Not Lunch Time

Hijacker: Put your hands up.

You: Yeah sure just let me grab my sandwich.

Hijacker: It's not lunch time, but ok.

You: Do you want some of my SANDWICH?

Hijacker: Why did you say sandwich like that?

You: Like what?

Hijacker: You winked at me and said it in a weird way.

You: Sandw1cH.

Hijacker: Put your hands up.

You: Okay fine, let me just finish cutting the crusts off my 5@ndwich for you.

Hijacker: Why is your sandwich clicking so much?

You: You’re going to love my 5@NDW1(H


Never mind. I guess it could work. You never know how these blogs will change your mind.

EDITOR UPDATE:  I can't believe I missed this the first time around. A TSA agent "accidentally" brings a gun in and gets caught by, wait for it, TSA? Real clever, fellas. You show the world your machines work, bloggers write screenplays about you, and you don't burn your guy on the ground. Classic hoodwink.