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Rich Guy Saves Christmas Tree: Ruins Rich Guy Brand

VENTURA (CBSLA) — As a family’s mansion burned to the ground, all the homeowner wanted saved was a Christmas tree and a holiday wreath hanging on the door. CBS2’s Jeff Nguyen reported live as the massive home came crashing down. He later showed the spot where firefighters pulled the tree filled with years of family ornaments, and the wreath to a safe spot near Via Ondulando in the Thomas Fire.

The homeowner told Nguyen he was on the phone with firefighters with little time to spare.

“If we could save just one thing, what would you want it to be?” the firefighter asked the homeowner.

“Please save my Christmas tree for my kids because it’s got so many memories,” the man desperately asked.

Look I appreciate this story as much as the next person. You get a rich guy who gets a choice to save one thing from his house, you know, the classic hypothetical “you can save three items from your house, what are they?” It’s great that this guy, out of all of the cool things in his blazing mansion, decides to save the Christmas tree and ornaments because they’ve got so much sentimental value for his family. Look, that’s cute. Forget it, that’s adorable and great and BLAH BLAH BLAH.


Dude, if you’re a rich guy in a mansion you’ve got a brand to uphold. We’re in peak hating-rich-people-time; don’t fuck that up for us! We’re actively trying to find more ways to hate the 1%, not relate to them! So you going out and “deciding to save the tree” isn’t helping anybody, it’s ruining everything we’ve worked towards. So next time, my friend, save the Matisse, or the wax sculpture collection, or anything else other than the fucking Christmas tree, because this is bigger than you and your misplaced holiday morals.