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They Made A Video Game Of Harambe And It's Hilarious

BOISE, Idaho - A new retro-style arcade game that can only be found in the City of Trees has many dropping their quarters while others are dropping their jaws. "Harambe Kong" lets you play as the gorilla who was shot and killed by a Cincinnati zookeeper after an infant fell into his cage. The game's creators hope to take it worldwide. 

You play as the famous gorilla and run and jump around to catch food for points with the hopes of getting a high score, but if you touch a kid, it's game over with a zookeeper appearing on screen and shooting Harambe.

Full story here.

For the record, I don't think the Harambe incident is funny. Everybody basically agrees on that, right? I don't know, it's a mess. I have no idea where to even start with it. Let's just call it what it was: a deadly combination of careless parenting, sloppy zoo construction, and murder!

I will say, while Harambe's fate itself was not funny, this Harambe video game is. The premise is fucking electric. Basically you play as Harambe, and you leap around trying to grab food and stuff, but if you touch a kid, you die. That's it. Nothing more than that. Simple, yet brilliant. Please, that's hilarious. You cannot deny it.


I kind of understand people being offended by this, but not really. This is clearly a joke, and it's not glorifying his death in any way! I mean, is it a great look that Harambe gets his head blown off? No, I mean I'm sure there's a more tasteful way to have him die. But c'mon can we relax for a minute? We have young children curb stomping people and killing prostitutes in GTA for fun, so this seems pretty harmless by comparison. Put us in Harambe's shoes, we deserve to bear witness.

P.S. When does the Roy Moore version come out?

nailed it.
