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Blood Bringers Game 1 - Post-Game Report: We're Terrible

Alright so turns out that the Blood Bringers suck. It doesn’t mean that we’ll always suck, it doesn’t mean that every player on the team sucks, but it certainly means that currently, we really, truly, unabashedly, genuinely, very much so, suck. There’s no way around it: we played some of the worst basketball I’ve ever seen, let alone been a part of.

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At some point the other team was scoring so fast, and then we were turning the ball over so fast, that I was just running laps up and down the court. Nobody plays basketball to run. Running is easily the least fun part of basketball. I play basketball to swat shots and jack up contested fadeaways, I don’t play to commit suicide by suicide (that’s a basketball term for you non-sportsball reader). It was brutal. It was coldblooded mass murder on the hardwood for 50 minutes. To put it this way, we scored 12 points in the first 10 minutes of the 25-minute game, and finished the game with 15 points. 15 points, that’s the same number of points my 3rd grade basketball team scored in a game that I'm pretty sure was half as long.  That’s 3 points in 15 minutes. That’s 15 minutes of running laps.

I can’t go into any more details because it hurts too much. You’re asking me to recount how my new best friends and I got murdered over and over and over again. Did it hurt? More than you could ever imagine, but everybody knows that every great sports story starts with a terrible loss. That's how the equation works: terrible team+ amazing self-appointed owner/captain/star player+ nonstop ball screens= team of destiny.  We've got all of the pieces, now we've just got to put them together.