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Is Cursive The Absolute Dumbest Thing To Be Taught In Schools?

INDIANAPOLIS -- A bill to require cursive writing in Indiana schools, that was passed Monday by the full Senate, now moves to the House for possible action.
State Sen. Jean Leising (R-Oldenburg) has introduced a cursive writing requirement for the past six years, and while it passed the Senate each one of those years, it did not receive a hearing in the House.
“Cursive writing was not made a Common Core standard in the past, so many schools stopped teaching the skill. Now, we are starting to see the effects. For example, some teenagers are unable to sign their name to validate their driver’s license or sign agreements. It’s a simple, yet necessary skill we still use in society today, and it needs to be a part of our children’s educational foundation," said Leising.

Full story here.

is cursive the absolute dumbest thing to be taught in schools? Yes, yes it is. This shit is the dumbest shit these eyes have ever seen. Everybody’s been talking for ages about how “cursive’s gonna be obsolete in a couple years” and that’s correct. They are right. That art form is dead. It’s not dying. It’s dead. Cursive has not been relevant since people stopped writing letters. Cursive died the second people didn’t have to impress people they wanted to sleep with by way of handwriting. The second written courtship perished, cursive went right out the window with it.

Now you’re telling me that cursive deserves a place in our society because of signatures? What a dumb thing. What a dumb excuse. Hate to break it to you old people, but nobody has a signature anymore: I make that humbuggery up every time! It just doesn’t matter.  I just scribble that shit down on the page and take my pizza/amazon prime order/shame for leaving an open bar tab and go. Either that or whoever is keeping track of my signature gave up on protecting the sanctity of my identity a long time ago. If you looked at my signatures from age ten to now, there’d be 37 different Keegan’s running around signing for shit. My point is, the educational system clearly failed me when it came to cursive, and it’s going to fail all the rest of your kids too.

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P.S. What the fuck was the cursive capital “G” about? Ruined the whole art form for me. Just shoddy worksmanship, if you ask me.