Mailman Dumps All Of His Mail On The Side Of The Road: First Exhibit In "How You Know You Should Quit Your Job"
Mail meant for Kansas City mailboxes instead wound up in a dump after a mail carrier was caught on camera trashing people's mail.
Cameras at the corner of 45th Street and Garfield Avenue captured a mail carrier taking a break on the side of the road Thursday.
“What I noticed was when he left, there was some mail on the ground that wasn’t there when he arrived,” illegal dumping investigator Alan Ashurst said. “I found a few pieces of mail … and then I started noticing more and more scraps of flyers leading me over the side of this hill, and I found just bundles of mail.”
Ashurst says there was mail addressed to residents, advertisements and fliers sprawled around the area where people commonly dump items.
Full story here.
Bro, just quit! Don't dump our shit all over the woods, just man up and resign! Hand in your papers! Say, "This isn't for me," and storm out. You're not the first person to hate their job, dude, but I don't know if I've seen many people who hate their job quite as much as you do. You're a mailman who hates delivering mail, and that’s the whole fucking point of your existence. This is like Office Space but instead of kicking the shit out of a printer, he’s just scattering your pamphlets and miscellaneous advertisements to the wind.
We all have things we don't like about our jobs. You don't like how Cary breathes when she eats, how Jeremy slurps his coffee, or how Mike spits when he says his "s"s , but you suck it up anyway. That's normal, that's us being miserable humans who tolerate the terrible 15% of our day for the manageable 65%, and the hopefully great 20%. This guy, this fucking mailman, is in another universe. This poor guy doesn't have to tolerate a terrible 15%, no he has to tolerate a terrible 80%: this guy hates the mail, and he's a mailman. This is not the last straw; no, that was ages ago: this is just the breaking point.
I know that they always say that when the going gets tough, the tough get going, but I feel like this is the exception. When shit gets this tough, you just quit. There’s literally no reason in the world to be a mailman and hate delivering the mail: it’s the worst combination of job and dislike in the world and there’s no reason for it. Just get any, and I mean it when I say any, other job. Get any other job, be happier, and leave our mail alone.