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There's Been Another Terrible Bus Accident In Peru: Probably Worth Taking A Look At Changing The Road That Keeps On Killing People

LIMA, Peru — At least 48 people were killed Tuesday when a bus tumbled down a cliff onto a rocky beach along a narrow stretch of highway known as the Devil’s Curve, Peruvian police and fire officials said.

The bus was carrying 57 passengers to Lima, Peru’s capital, when it was struck by a tractor-trailer shortly before noon and plunged down the slope, said Claudia Espinoza, who is with Peru’s voluntary firefighter brigade.

Traffic accidents are common along Peru’s roads, with more than 2,600 people killed in 2016. More than three dozen people died when three buses and a truck collided in 2015 on the main costal highway. Twenty people were killed in November when a bus plunged off a bridge into a river in the southern Andes.

Full story here.

It’s always sad and scary to hear about tragedies like this, whether it’s the recent Amtrak crash, the plane crash that happened yesterday in Puerto Rico, or this. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something really scary about the idea of a mundane trip turned tragedy. None of these passengers got on this bus expecting to die, and you've got be a bonehead government to think that this road should exist.

If you have a road that's called the Devil’s Curve for any tangible reason, I think it’s time to build a new road. Infamous for being super curvy, narrow, and covered in fog? Close this fucker down, I'm shitting myself just thinking about it!

Yep, count me out. That sounds looks like a road not meant for busses, let alone cars, let alone people. At this point I’m pretty entrenched in the belief that if you ride a bus in Peru you’re fucking insane, because it seems like the Devil's Curve is not the only stretch of road where you’re totally fine until you’re dead. Seems like every year a bus just goes right ahead and plummets off a cliff, that’s way too often. Busses plummeting off of cliffs should be a weird thing, not the norm. Peru, I know that may be a lot to ask, but you can’t have busses flying off of high places and landing in low places. It’s time to step up.