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We Should All Be Grateful That The Guy Who Set A Booby Trap To Electrocute His Wife Is A Fucking Idiot

PALM COAST, Fla. - A Flagler County man is in jail in Tennessee, accused of wiring the door to his Palm Coast home to an electrical device in an attempt to electrocute his pregnant, estranged wife.

According to a charging affidavit, deputies were sent to the house after the wife's stepfather called to report suspicious statements made by Michael Scott Wilson about not letting his child touch the front door of the home on White Hall Drive. The front door was barricaded and there were burn marks near the door handle, according to the Flagler County Sheriff's Office.

After investigating, the Sheriff's Office said Wilson, 32, rigged electrical devices to the top door lock and lower door handle in an attempt to electrocute whoever attempted to unlock and open the front door.

Wilson's Facebook page, that includes a photo of himself holding two handguns, shows his status at "Widowed." 

Full story here.

Here’s one for all of the folks who watched Ozark, a show that had a lot more attempted electrocuting than I ever anticipated.

To be clear, you’ve got to be a real psycho to try and kill your pregnant wife, but it seems like this guy went through a ton of effort to make some pretty careless mistakes. You fucking booby trapped a door? That’s some ingenious redneck trickery. I don’t know what it is about electrocution that has both fictional and real rednecks jumping for joy. I’ll give it to him, I don’t think many people would see this coming, but oh boy, you didn’t do a great job keeping this under wraps, buddy!

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It feels weird to make fun of the fact that he warned his wife’s stepfather not to let his kid touch the front door, because it was a nice thing. But this guy was plotting to kill his pregnant wife, so I’m pretty sure he wasn’t a nice guy. Let’s be honest, calling somebody out of the blue and saying, “Oh by the way, don’t let anybody but your step-daughter touch the front door,” seems a little suspicious.

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Also when you pose for photos like this, you kind of look like you might try something crazy like, I don't know, murdering your pregnant wife.

And hey, one last note: if you’re going to murder your pregnant wife, you may want to make sure your pregnant wife is actually dead before you change your relationship status to ‘widowed’, because, you know, that makes it seem like you saw it coming. I’m not an expert in this field by any means, but those are just a couple of amateur thoughts.