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Slow Car Chase Ends In Hugs, Kisses, And Of Course, A Taser

MONTEBELLO (CBSLA) — A slow-speed pursuit in a stolen U-Haul pickup truck across several cities ended with hugging, kissing, and a shot from a Taser gun.

A man and a woman – who was the vehicle’s driver – were taken into custody at the end of a standoff and chase that began at about 11 a.m. Wednesday after the driver failed to yield.

The driver eventually opened her door, raising her hands up to surrender, but her passenger kept her from getting out by hugging her around her neck and her waist. When they both got out, he continued to hug her and kiss her, as she kept her hands on her head.

Advancing police officers ended the embrace by shooting the man with a Taser.

Great way to end a story, "advancing police officers ended the embrace by shooting the man with a Taser." also, this is a dude who knows he's going to prison. This is hilarious because it’s one of those things that in the movies plays out one way, and in real life plays out completely differently. Can you imagine how dramatic this seemed to the criminal couple here? Well actually, I guess to only the guy? The lady was trying to surrender WAY earlier before her male accomplice said, “No, babe. This is where we get caught making out” So that leads us to a really weird embrace that seems like only one of our criminals was psyched about. Dude! It's not the time! Take the hint! Your compatriot is 1. trying to surrender and 2. is elbowing you in the head, so she's probably cool getting arrested without making out.

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Now in the movies, how does this end? I feel like usually everything goes slow motion, the cops surround our criminal pair, and after, only after, the make out has concluded do they move in for the arrest. That almost happened here. If you just switch the “hang around and wait for the makeout to be over” for “immediate use of taser” then this went right by the book. So funny, so awkward, so predictable. Hope this guy was happy.

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You really only get one chance at a “I’m going to get taken down by the police and here’s my last defiant act” moment. Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid went out guns blazing, David Koresh went full psychopath and burned down his entire compound/all of his friends, and this guy totally blew it and got tased mid-non-consensual smooch, didn’t even have a chance to use tongue! Exhibits A and B on how to get arrested and how not to get arrested.