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Hero Ten Year Old Follows His Sister’s Kidnapper

BROOKLYN — A 10-year-old boy followed a man who took his younger sister from their public school in Brooklyn, police said.
The man walked into Public School 189 in Brooklyn around 2:20 p.m. on Feb. 7 and grabbed a 6-year-old student by her hand, officials said. The girl's older brother saw what had happened and followed the two until they arrived in front of 318 Rochester Avenue.
At that point, the man released the girl's hand. Her brother immediately grabbed his sister and they both retreated to the home of a relative who lives nearby.

Full story here.

Now this is a hero. All of your fake hero nominators take note of this. This isn’t a kid who saw his neighbor fall down and obeyed his instructions to “heroically” call 911, this isn’t the kid who saw his house catch on fire and “heroically” call 911, but this is the kid who did something that very few other kids would have done. This 10-year-old sees his sister get picked up by a stranger, and while any other kid would have gone for help or waited to tell someone, this little guy took off after them. He fucking saved the day. His sister owes him for life.

Police initially described the incident as a kidnapping by a man in his 50s. Officials now say the man was in his 90s and picked up the wrong child from school.

Okay well it turns out that the person who took her was just a really confused 90-year-old man who mixed up which kid was his. That does take away from the heroism a little bit, but not by much. When you’re 10-years-old, you can’t differentiate between things like that. When it comes down to it, this kid thought his sister was being kidnapped, and he stepped up. Also, what a kid to want to save his six-year-old sister at age ten. I feel like at age ten I was actively waiting for my younger brother to get kidnapped: basically held up a “free kid” sign from age ten to eighteen just trying to get the attention of unmarked white vans.