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Most Obvious Victory Of All Time: New York "Wins" Dirtiest City In U.S.

New York is home to more than 8.5-million residents and more people means more garbage.
We produce so much garbage that the city recently landed the top spot on a survey of the country's dirtiest cities. The cleaning service BusyBee looked at five categories in their rankings. New York took the top spot in three of the  five: population density, litter and pests.
"It's so nasty, it's filthy, there's garbage all over the place," Angela Brown said as she looked at a littered street in Gowanus.
The Big Apple scored a whopping 428 on the survey.

Full story here.

This is the easiest contest to judge of all time. Obviously it’s New York. Of course it’s New York. Anybody who’s ever been to New York knows it’s New York. Anybody who’s ever heard of New York knows it’s New York. All of the numbers that were associated with this story are purely arbitrary: you look at this city and you know it's the fucking dirtiest, no numbers or scores required.  I don’t know how anybody would think this city is clean, but I assure you it is not. We don’t believe in trash cans here. We just don’t. I don’t understand it at all but that’s the unspoken contract you sign when you move here.

I have a recycling container outside of my building and nobody knows what any of the labels mean. Basically, that means that everybody just puts their shit in the street. In any other city, people would make an effort to decipher said signs, they’d come up with their own system, god forbid, they would maybe just put things in the wrong container. Not here. Here we just throw shit on the street. That’s how it goes here: rats and roaches gotta eat too. Honestly, if you put a dumpster in front of someone here, they wouldn’t know what to do with it. Oh you put trash inside? But then what’s the sidewalk for? This is the grossest fucking place to live in the world. I’ll admit, I ate a half sandwich off the ground ONCE, and I’m shocked that I lived to see the end of the week. I’d lived here for only a couple of months at that point and I didn’t know what I was dealing with. Now if it touches the sidewalk, it’s dead: might as well have been grown in Chernobyl at that point.

How can you see the disgusting shit you see here and ever look at a sidewalk ever again? Trash everywhere. Feces everywhere. Dead animals everywhere. What’s that dirty liquid that sits in the bottom of the subway tracks? It’s definitely not fucking water. You can’t even say it was water at this point. The chemical composition of that sludge has evolved to a point where it has more in common with toxic waste than good old H2O. I’d easily drink a glass of Chernobyl water before drinking that. At least I know what I’m getting. I’d be fascinated to see what the chemical composition of that subway slop is: 10% dog poo, 15% rat poo, 15% people poo, 3% unidentified poo, 3.7% vodka, 6.3% sweat, 8% mud, .5% sandwich I dropped in October,  2% decomposing body from January 1988, 9% pizza, .8% pizza rat, 26.7% sadness. A mix of shit, booze, pizza, death, and darkness: this city in a nutshell.