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Lady Feels Pain: Ends Up She's 9 Months Pregnant: Gives Birth 30 Minutes Later

An Ohio mother welcomed a healthy baby boy into the world, just 30 minutes after discovering she was pregnant.
“I always loved babies and knew I wanted to be a mom one day,” new mom Ally Opfer told “Not necessarily right then."
The 23-year-old from Cleveland explained she was hospitalized for what doctors believed were kidney stones when an ultrasound revealed she was 38 weeks pregnant, and already in labor.
About  a half-hour later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Oliver.

Full story here.

Whoa! We ask a lot how public births happen, and I guess this is how. You literally don’t now you’re even capable of having a baby until that baby is falling headfirst out of your love cradle. I will also say, that if this lady can be unaware of the whole being preggers thing and still make it to a hospital before the witching hour, then the rest of you pregnant people can too. No excuses any more. What’s the stance here? Assuming you’d want to keep the baby, would you want to not know you were pregnant until thirty minutes before go time? At first glance, I think that sounds like it rocks. You get to skip months of being pregnant. I don’t have any experience with it but I’ve heard it’s hard. You gotta walk around carrying this fucking baby, and I assume you feel bloated most of the time, not because you look, you know, bloated, but because not only are you farting but you’ve got something farting inside you. That’s just my two cents.

At the same time, this could be a big bummer, because you skip pregnancy. Pregnancy is your time to shine as a lady. Seriously, everybody’s pretty fucking scared of you, nobody wants to get in the way of your demands or your cravings, and you’re just an all around queen. Which, I don’t need to add, you 100% deserve. Once you have the baby is when the fun stops. That’s where the work is. Pregnancy is 9 months long for a reason. What it is about our evolution decided that nine months was about as long as it took to get fully behind having that kid. You skip that? Who knows what you’re missing out on! I’ll tell you what you miss. You miss all the months of eating as much as you want without someone asking if you went through a break up. You don’t waste those months. You just don’t.