Unpopular Opinion: If You Take Airplane Snacks Off Of An Airplane You Deserve To Get Fined
(CNN) Crystal Tadlock got off a plane last week in Minneapolis after an 8½-hour flight from Paris. She was supposed to catch a connecting flight home to Denver, so she decided to save an apple she had been given as part of the in-flight meal service.
"I put it in my bag, not thinking anything of it," Tadlock told CNN.
Crystal Tadlock says she's facing a $500 fine over an apple she got from an airline on her way home from Paris.
Apples, and most forms of fresh produce, are typically a customs violation and need to be declared on a passenger's customs form.
Tadlock offered to throw the apple away but said she was taken to a back room at the airport and served penalty papers that stated she had 20 days to pay the fine.
Full story here.
This story has been making its way around the internet, and look I know this probably isn’t a popular opinion but this lady got what was coming to her. If you take any airplane food off of an airplane you deserve to get issued a $500 fine. That’s just cheap, people. We’re not talking wrapping caviar in your napkin and stuffing your pocket with steak tips; no, we’re talking little bags of pretzels and mealy apples.
Airplane food is for airplanes. It’s disgusting, not good, worse than all other food, and wouldn’t be consumed anywhere other than a pressurized prison at 30,000 feet. Seriously, if you were served airplane food anywhere else you’d slap your waiter across the face. It’s food to get you through your journey and nothing more. It’s to the airline passenger as the bread full of maggots is to the starving sailor. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and those desperate measures happen to be bite sized bags of wheat thins. Do you even trust the apples on airplanes? I just figure that putting fruit up and down in the atmosphere, and in and out of pressurized zones at some point just ruins it. Like you can only fly an apple to the sky and back so many times before it’s no longer and apple. Also, who does this? Who takes snacks from an airplane? Is this a thing? I just assumed all airplane snacks turned to dust once you left the plane. I guess not!
So yeah, there you have it. I'm glad this woman got fined. There's a measure of decorum around these parts, and I won't have it ignored. When it comes down to it, this isn’t even an issue of not knowing the rules around customs, because nobody fucking knows those. This about having an ounce of pride, an ounce of decency, and the confidence that your connecting flight to Denver will have apples too.