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Golfer Dislocates Ankle At Masters, Pops It Back Into Place, Somehow Finishes First Round In Second Place: A Confused Blog

Editor’s Note: This motherfucker. This tough guy. This grinder. This old so and so. This guy’s making me rewrite blogs! I hate rewriting blogs because I hate admitting that my first take wasn’t the right take. I hate that. I’m always right. I wrote this bad boy on the train to practice last night, and then when I got out of practice this guy was still knocking heads, so in this case, a work over of the blog had to be done. 

This guy’s tough guying his way through the fucking Masters like an old school Tiger. He’s throwing the whole balance of the force off. Let’s look at the initial injury. You can’t even call this celebrating really- he was just running backwards! That's not a celebration that's a basic test of agility. Kids can do that their ankles popping out. As someone who's fallen over while moving backwards before, it's embarrassing. It's very embarrassing. It's not something you want to get hurt during.

Look I'm not saying that golfers aren't athletes: nowhere close. Golf requires a level of strength and coordination that I quite simply don't possess. I'm not going to be the hardo out here shouting, "this is what happens when NERDS play sports," because that would unbecoming and nonsensical. 

All I'll say is maybe leave the running for us. Keep those sweet "celies" to fist pumps and quick upper body focused movements. This is not the first celebration injury but it is for sure the simplest movement that has lead to injury. 

I'll give kudos where kudos is due- this guy went straight lethal weapon and popped his dangling foot back into place. That almost made me throw up, but it was impressive nonetheless. This guy finished the first round of the Masters in 2nd place. I don’t know much about golf but that seems pretty impressive. Gulf guys are tough guys, shouldn't run backwards, but tough guys. You heard it here first.

P.S. Apparently this guy is Jabari Parker’s cousin and can dunk flat-footed? Golf was an interesting choice.