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Tik Tok’er Goes to Abandoned Hospital: Deservedly Finds Ghost

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What did you expect. Abandoned shit is a no go for me. Abandoned hospitals, prisons, and orphanages are the big three on the DO NOT VISIT list. I don’t want to go to those places even when they’re full of people. You head to one of those, it’s a lose-lose. Best case scenario you get scared. Worst case scenario you get scared and haunted. Look at the world we live in today. We’re curfew, we’re in the midst of global pandemic, we lost Kobe, and you’re out here traipsing around haunted buildings like the world is trending upwards. Dude if you’re going to get haunted this is the year it’s going to happen. The real shocker here would have been if he hadn’t seen a ghost. That would have been newsworthy. That would have been incredible. That would have been impressive. 

Yes, yes, yes this is probably just a coat on a hanger, or a maintenance person who woke up in a closet. The whole abandoned shtick kind of goes out the window when there’s a restaurant and a store that are apparently open on the premises. I’ll admit I’m a little confused by that premise. Is it a tourist trap? Like, “oooo come get haunted while also eating a caesar said.” Or is it just a that these restaurant owners were too lazy to tear down the abandoned hospital that was inconveniently located on top of their business.

Of course I say all that, but I’m still convinced that thing’s real. Again, it’s probably a t-shirt, but at the same time it’s definitely a ghost.  Doesn’t take much for my rational brain to go out the window. I like to think I’m a pretty well informed guy, but one well timed ghost story and it’s fuckin’ on. Few years ago I was spending fourth of july with some buddies and these strangers who were letting us spend the night at their cabin. It was all fun and games until one of them started spouting off the scariest fucking stories I’d ever heard about the cabin we were staying in. Four hours later my buddy’s pissing on the floor, crying about a breakup and I’m convinced I’m about to get fucked by Casper. It was the best of times.

Love the guy in the front. Or maybe hate him. Definitely respect him. In a full stare off with a ghost, can’t imagine who’s going to win that one. It’s probably for the best. Can’t just have Tik Tok stars wandering around early 20th century asylums with no consequences.