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Doctors Remove Worm From Woman's Throat And Sushi Is Officially Off the Menu Boys

A woman in Japan got more than she bargained for after visiting the doctor with an irritated throat, as she was told that a worm was living inside her tonsil.

The 25-year-old woman underwent a physical examination at Tokyo's St. Luke's International Hospital after being left with throat pain and irritation five days after eating assorted sashimi, according to a case study published in The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Medics identified a black worm -- which was 38 millimeters (1.5 inches) long and still moving -- inside the woman's left tonsil, and removed the creature using tweezers.

Full story here.

Well great, now every sore throat means a trip to the hospital. Long live the good old days where getting strep was the easiest way to miss a day of school of all time. Suck on some cough drops, crush a couple advil, put some honey in your tea, boom, you’re cured and you just bought 18 hours of free xbox time. Now every time I feel that tickle I’m assuming I’ve got a throat worm.

This is also terrible news for sushi. Is it as healthy as you think it is? Probably not. Can eating too much of it poison you? Probably. Can you get a throat worm from eating it? Recently confirmed. Look we can deal with a little mercury poisoning. What’s the worst that happens, do you lose hair or grow a mustache? I can live with those. I can live with some poison in the blood. Throat worms? There’s no coming back from those.I could deal with stomach worms. You get one, it eats, you eat, it eats, then you drink some milk and you pass it. That’s the circle of life. It gets a few weeks of sustenance and you get a beach body. It’s natural. As soon as you have to go in with tweezers- all that good, natural, kumboya bullshit goes out the window. Tweezers are for splinters and ingrown hairs. A worm that has to be removed by tweezers is a worm that doesn’t belong. 

Not only am I no longer eating sashimi, I’m also getting my tonsils taken out. I’m not giving those blood suckers a perfectly good place to live. Sure gettin your tonsils out sucks but I’d take that over a throat worm one million percent of the time. I get a throat worm I give it ten habaneros before I start crowdsourcing vats of acid. I might also swear off kissing while I’m at it. Official blog statement- if I don’t kiss anyone this is why. No other reason.