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Woman Tries to Donate Breastmilk to Mothers: Gets Overwhelmed With Requests From Dudes Who Want to be Breastfed.

A mum who donated 65 litres of breast milk to help other mothers, has opened up about the unusual requests she’s received from men wanting her to nurse them.

After welcoming her first child, baby Lynnlee, in February 2019, Michele Oller, 34, soon found herself with a freezer full of surplus breast milk.

Wanting to put it to good use, the pharmacist from Oklahoma, in the US, found a website dedicated to selling breast milk.

After sharing a post advertising the milk she had available, the new mum thought she would connect with fellow mothers, but she also received a whole host of requests from men.

“I was expecting people to need the milk for newborn babies,” she recalled. “Instead it was weird men with even weirder requests.”

Full story here.

We really, and I mean really, can’t have nice things. 

By we, I mean men, obviously. Look I love some dudes being dudes, but there’s a line in the sand. I don’t know exactly where that line is, but I’d say this article is a pretty good start. I mean credit where credit is due, it takes some real characters to turn this feel good story about a mother trying to use her excess breastmilk those in need, into a complete creep-fest.Fellas, we’ve got to find our breast milk elsewhere. 

I wonder what the success rate is soliciting breast feeding online. I’d imagine it’s pretty low, but I’m relying on gut instinct rather than expertise for that opinion. I’ll be honest, breastmilk freaks me out a little bit. I’m not one of those folks who freaks out at people breastfeeding in public, again I take issue with breast milk not breast feeding. I don’t necessarily take issue with it, I just know it’s not for me. Maybe it’s just strong genetics talking, but I know, on an evolutionary level, I have outgrown it.

I’m definitely more of a whole-milk guy, although I’ll compromise with some two percent when times get tough.

However, as someone who likes the uncut stuff, it makes you think. If breastmilk is the purest form of diary we’ve got, and whole milk is the purest of the cow milks, then is whole milk the breastmilk of cow milk? I don’t know! Maybe I am a breastmilk guy!

That brings us to the big question: what makes someone a breastmilk guy? Is it the flavor? Is it the boob? Did they not get enough as a kid? Did they get too much? See I’ve always fallen in the camp of it was WAY better to start someone on formula too early, than breastfeed someone too late. You always knew the kids who got breastfed until they were 7, you could pick them out a mile away. But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe formula is to blame for all of this.

If you’ve an in to the breastmilk industry, let me know. We’ve got a lot of people who need help, and don’t know where to turn. Because there has to be a better place to turn. There has to be.