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Did RZA Just Save Ice Cream With This New BOP OF AN ICE CREAM SONG?

Wu-Tang Clan founder RZA is putting the “good” in Good Humor, partnering with the sweets vendor to create a new ice cream truck jingle as a free alternative to the well-known and problematic tune “Turkey in the Straw.”

The rapper-producer unveiled the catchy new song Thursday morning in a video acknowledging the racist history of “Turkey in the Straw,” which has long been associated with minstrel shows and racist imagery.

“Remember that ice cream jingle?” RZA says in a promo video introducing his tune. “Of course — we all know it. I’m not gonna play it right now, though, because we come to find out that it has racist roots.

“But check this out — Good Humor, they called me up and they was like, ‘We gotta do something about this, Riz. We can change the dynamics. We can make a new ice cream jingle for a new era.’”

Full story here.

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I haven’t lived in a place with an ice cream truck in a while, but that tune is recognizable with anyone who had even the slightest of redeeming childhoods. Obviously, that tune was not perfect. It was a little shrill, a little creepy, a little dated, and now we learn, it’s also a little racist! 

Well begone, vile tune of minstrels and bigots, we won’t miss you! We won’t miss you because RZA just came out and not only replaced the “Whistlin’ Dixie” of ice cream trucks, he improved it!

Not only do I now support equality by purchasing ice cream from a Good Humor truck, but also this is a bop. This is a vibe. Very difficult to use this tune in a  horror movie, as opposed to the other ice cream tune, which isn’t only racist, but also haunts my nightmares. Gone are the days where I hope the pandemic is gone so I can go back to hugging strangers in bars and not wearing a mask that makes my eyes look fat, I want to get past Covid so I can join the kids in swarming this swaggalicious truck!

I’m telling you, I don’t think this truck is just going to boost ice cream sales. This truck is going to boost the birthrate. While before, if you heard an ice cream truck tune while you were trying to crank some Marvin Gaye, the mood would be ruined. Not anymore! I’m telling you, people are going to wait for the ice cream truck to go by to start their marathon sex sessions. I give it three months before this thing is the new Cialis theme song. I may make a new sex playlist on Spotify with only this song.

2020’s been a bummer folks, and RZA hasn’t fixed that, but he has taken the cauldron of chaos and stirred it up with a pinch of sexy.