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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

The One Where I Tell You Why This Blog is Special

The One Where I Tell You Why This Blog is Special


Welcome to my blog. I turn 26 in two months and figured it was the right time in my life to take this significant next step. All of you who are surprised at this should wake up and smell the flowers because blogging in your mid-twenties is hot. Enjoy baking bread? You should start a blog. Have an interest in politics? You should start a blog. You like paper? You should start a blog. You’ve been on a bunch of bad dates because your personality is lacking? You should start a blog. Trying to start a conversation on the subway but the person next to you keeps putting in their headphones; but you keep talking anyway because you know probably only one of those ear buds works, and you can talk over one ear bud’s worth of volume because mama didn’t raise no bitch? It’s blog time.

Needless to say, there are COUNTLESS reasons to start a blog, EVERYBODY is starting a blog, and I was tired of sitting on the sidelines. I’m going to be diving into everything and anything that strikes my fancy: current events, sports, travel, entertainment, why I’m so unhappy, and other casual stuff like that. Buckle up, enjoy the ride, and get ready to collectively wallow in my misery. Blog life is here.


P.S. Tell my mom I made it, and please don’t tell my dad.

Check Out the Italian Town of Candela: Where the Mayor Will Pay You to Live

Check Out the Italian Town of Candela: Where the Mayor Will Pay You to Live