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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Article Says Weed Helps You Have Sex More!

Article Says Weed Helps You Have Sex More!

(CNN) Dr. Michael Eisenberg, an assistant professor of urology, sees a lot of patients at the Stanford University Medical Center who have problems performing in the bedroom.
There isn't a lot of research on the topic. However, with marijuana becoming legal in a growing number of states, Eisenberg thought it'd be worth exploring.
 What he found surprised him.
"Usually, people assume the more frequently you smoke, the worse it could be when it came to sex, but in fact, we learned the opposite was true," Eisenberg said. His study was published in this week's Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Original article here.

This caught my eye because every time I’ve smoked weed (which, Mom, for the record, is never) my legs turn into pieces of wood and I eat enough Doritos and Oreos to kill a large dog before getting dizzy sitting still, and then passing out in a bunch of sad boy crumbs. I don’t know but maybe that sweet sativa really does lead to that that sweet love making music.

But again, it’s been my experience that while alcohol makes me want to dance on a table (on all nights where it doesn’t make me cry in the shower), weed makes me want to stand in the corner and talk to the paint on the wall. One of those moods lends itself to taking your pants off in front of another person, and the other one doesn’t. In my limited experience, when you're drunk you see an amazing, albeit possibly blurry, naked body. When you're high you see an alien. But maybe what I’m smoking isn’t weed- in which case I’ve got a lot to figure out.

Needless to say this was a very interesting article. I also loved how it basically ends on the note of  (and I might be paraphrasing here), “There’s a catch: weed will make you have sex more, but you won’t be able to orgasm.” Mmmmmmkay I don't get it, that seems like a pretty small catch; let’s move on.

But then we go to, and I'm not paraphrasing, this “"For most people, we tell them instead to go to the gym and lose 20 pounds," Eisenberg said. Being overweight can give men arousal problems." Well okay. This took a condescending turn. I guess that’s what I get for reading. Smdh.

P.S. If it’s not clear from this post, I’m a Narc.

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