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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

IPhone Autocorrect Glitch Goes Live: It's Time To Tell The Robots That We Can Spell Better Than Them

IPhone Autocorrect Glitch Goes Live: It's Time To Tell The Robots That We Can Spell Better Than Them


Some Apple (AAPL, Tech30) users have discovered a bug that automatically corrects the lower-case letter "i" to "A" and a question mark symbol.

The issue appears to impact iPhone users on its most recent mobile software, iOS 11.1. The new software launched last Tuesday and features hundreds of new emoji.

Not surprisingly, the bug is frustrating many Apple users.

"WHY does my #iphone keep changing the letter "i" to I ?! HELP," tweeted one user.

"I had to turn off my auto correct which is super annoying," wrote another iPhone user on Apple's discussion forum.

Full article here.

This iPhone autocorrect glitch just went public and let me tell you, people are not pleased. Autocorrect is already the most annoying thing in the goddamn world. It never really catches mistakes and I just end up sending fucking gibberish to people because one: it’s changing all of my words to other words, and two: it’s leaving my misspelled words as misspelled words. It’s time to chalk it up to a failure and put autocorrect out to pasture. I do not understand how the algorithm works but it’s fucking broken, and now you tell me that it takes “I” and corrects it to “A ?”. It just shows that the engineers behind the whole system have to chalk this up to a loss. Look, we get it, you tried to help. You tried to design a system that would prevent us from texting people wrong when we were drunk, but you flew too close to the sun and now we text everybody like we’re drunk all the time.

And there it is, the shithead brain on my Mac just tried to correct “people” to “pople”. WHAT IS THIS POPLE AND GIVEN THE CONTEXT HOW DOES IT MAKE MORE SENSE THAN PEOPLE. I’m done. Everybody should be done.

Go ahead and fix this glitch Apple, and do me a favor and keep my words out of your autocorrecting, mother ducking mouths.

Editor’s Note: Yes, I do now know you can turn autocorrect off. Thanks for making me look stupid in front of all of my friends, Apple.

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