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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Holiday Quick Hitter: Britain To Use Coffee For Power And Thanks For The Idea

Holiday Quick Hitter: Britain To Use Coffee For Power And Thanks For The Idea


  Independent- London’s iconic red double-decker buses will soon run on a biofuel partially made from old coffee grounds.

The fuel will be supplied by a demonstration project set up by Bio-bean, a London-based company that joined with Shell on the initiative. It will produce 6,000 litres (1,583 gallons) a year of the fuel.

“It’s got a high oil content, 20 per cent oil by weight in the waste coffee grounds, so it’s a really great thing to make biodiesel out of,” said Arthur Kay, founder of Bio-bean, in a phone interview. 

Full article here.

Do you think the reason we haven’t tried this yet is we’d be too powerful? Can you imagine if we harnessed the power of a million over-caffeinated New Yorkers and just burnt the shit out of all of Starbuck’s leftover coffee grounds? It’d be a sight to see.


I remember I had a couple of neighbors in Vermont, aka the DIY state, who would drive around collecting French fry oil from fast food chains and doing whatever science needed to be done to convert that to something usable. That whole process went wayyy above my head, but this I can get behind. So watch out Britain, you may power your busses but we’ll power every train, plane and automobile in the fucking hemisphere. Enjoy being conquered by us once and for all.

P.S. This makes way too much sense for us to do. Very sensible of you, Britain; but it's not our style.

Holiday Quick Hitter: Apparently JFK's Back Brace May Have Aided His Assassination

Holiday Quick Hitter: Apparently JFK's Back Brace May Have Aided His Assassination

Holiday Quick Hitter: Guy Gets Swept Out To Sea In Little Raft, Kinda Deserved It!

Holiday Quick Hitter: Guy Gets Swept Out To Sea In Little Raft, Kinda Deserved It!