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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

People Are Making Fun Of Trump's McDonald's Order And I Can't Believe You're Making Me Do This But Shut The Fuck Up

People Are Making Fun Of Trump's McDonald's Order And I Can't Believe You're Making Me Do This But Shut The Fuck Up


The Independent- It’s no secret that Donald Trump is a fan of fast food. He’s previously prompted raised eyebrows by eating KFC with a knife and fork and is known to be a big meat-eater.

And now a new book has revealed what exactly the US President orders from McDonald’s. 

According to two of Trump’s former top aides, he would wolf down “two Big Macs, two Fillet-O-Fish, and a chocolate malted.”

All as one meal.

The revelation was made by Corey Lewandowski, who was fired as Trump’s campaign manager, and fellow top aide David Bossie, who are co-authors of “Let Trump Be Trump.”

Full article here.

Guys, here’s a blog I never thought I’d write. Look, I think it’s pretty obvious that I’m not a huge Trump guy. “Not a huge Trump guy” in this case would mean something along the lines of: I really really don’t like him and I think he’s the most embarrassing thing to happen to the United States since, well, ever. That being said, IT IS UNFAIR TO CRITIQUE PEOPLE’S FAST FOOD ORDERS. ARE WE REALLY GOING TO SINK THAT LOW? FUCK!

Nobody’s proud of that shit! But that’s what makes us the same. It’s like going around making fun of someone’s pajamas- why the fuck would anybody care what anybody thinks about their pajamas? Huh? Why would you take something that’s purely for an individual’s comfort and critique it through the lens of society’s fashion norms, you pretentious fucks? The same argument applies to McDonald’s! You don’t eat at McDonald’s to show some food critic that you have a big dick; you eat at McDonald’s to get your taste buds’ rocks off as quickly as possible. Nobody’s proud of it. Nobody thinks that eating at McDonald’s is great. That’s why they designed drive through, so you can just grab your food through a cracked window and guzzle those fries down in the complete privacy of your fully reclined passenger seat. I'm not proud that as a tradition my borther and I go to McDonald's every Thanksgiving at midnight, but don't think for a second that I'll hide in the shadows for it. I won't be your pariah, and I won't be your shame goat either.

I won’t even get into what constitutes an order, because again, the beauty of McDonald’s is you don’t get to decide what someone else thinks is good! Some people love McFlurries, and some people order exclusively off the dollar menu. Some people worship chicken nuggets, while others praise the return of the chicken select; we’re all different and yet all the same. And of course, if you like fish filets than I think you’re a weird person for sure, but I’m not going to put you on blast for it.

If Donald wants to double down on Big Mac’s, fried frozen fish, and a chocolate shake then so be it- he’s earned that right by being born. He’s a scumbag in every other way, but I won’t let this turn into a fast food witch hunt. This is bullshit, guys, and we’re better than this.


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