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This Pilot Very Narrowly Prevented His Aircraft From Becoming A Fireball: And I Am Getting My Affairs In Order For My Flight Tomorrow

Great, this is just great. I mean don’t get me wrong, very well done by the pilot here to stop his plane from turning into a bonfire. Seriously, everybody on this plane should name their firstborn after whoever was flying this plane, because that, as in dying, would have been a big bummer.

That being said, I had JUST gotten to a place where I’d convinced myself that airplanes were safe. I’d had enough landings that felt terrible that I just started assuming that not only was that how they all were, but that they felt a lot worse than they looked. Well, based off of this video evidence, apparently that’s wrong. Apparently sometimes airplane landings look equally as terrible as they feel. That's great, because now every time I land and feel the slightest strange bump or shudder, I'm going to close my eyes and see this fucking video.

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Just seems to me that this should no longer happen with planes. Seems like we’ve come far enough with the technology that crosswinds shouldn’t be able to kill 200 people. Also consider that a JetBlue flight just skidded off the runway at Logan Airport in Boston! Do we not put snow tires on airplanes? Seems like we should! Do we need to build wind-blocking-walls at airports? Do we need to shoot missiles into the atmosphere to control the weather? I don’t know! But I watched the video, and I do know that airplanes shouldn’t land like that. Can’t wait to fly tomorrow, and the day after.