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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Two Guys Figure Out They're Brothers After 60 Years And It Seemed Pretty Obvious

Two Guys Figure Out They're Brothers After 60 Years And It Seemed Pretty Obvious

Two men who have been friends since childhood recently learned they are brothers. 

Alan Robinson and Walter Macfarlane were born in Hawaii 15 months apart, KHON-TV reported. The duo met in 6th grade and have been friends for 60 years. While they've shared a very close bond, they never thought they were related, until a DNA website revealed their relationship. 

Robinson was adopted, and Macfarlane did not know who his father was, so the pair were always searching individually for information on their families.

Full story here.

Look, this is great. These dudes clearly wanted to be brothers, and they were! They played all the same sports, lived in the same town, and heck, even looked alike! Which begs the question? How the fuck did it take 60 years for these idiots to figure this out? Clearly it wasn’t so out of the realm of possibility because they gifted each other a goddamn DNA test! Did they not expect this answer? Did they do it as a joke only to realize, “Fuck we’re actually brothers!”?  This article doesn’t give NEARLY enough details. The only reason I can think up for this is because these guys are legitimately the stupidest people of all time.

Because where else would you find monstrous home runs, mascots racing and just some old-fashioned bloopers in one place?

I don’t know about you, but if I look exactly like a dude, live in the same place as that dude, play all the same sports and like all the same things as that dude, then at some point, I’m going to take a crazy guess and say we’re related.  How did it take you 60 years? It's not like you guys were in and out of each other's lives! Sounds like you guys spent every waking moment together! At some point, you're just ignoring the facts. Not only is it obvious just based off of the initial details, but also consider that these guys knew they had unknown relatives out there! This wasn't like "a brother popped out of nowhere!" this was like "oh the dude I've been searching for the past 60 years has been my best friend this whole time".They should have figured this stuff out in high school. So yes, yes, it is a happy story, but I’m not impressed. Gets a 100/100 on the holiday-cheer-life-is-magical scale and a -10000000/10 on the situational-awareness scale. I guess everything seem’s like a miracle if you’re dumb!

With Another Christmas In The Books, I Now Realize I Just Go Home To Play Video Games

With Another Christmas In The Books, I Now Realize I Just Go Home To Play Video Games

I Again Wrongly Dubbed The Worst Holiday Crime: Shooting A 5-Year-Old's Horse In The Back Of The Head Takes The Cake

I Again Wrongly Dubbed The Worst Holiday Crime: Shooting A 5-Year-Old's Horse In The Back Of The Head Takes The Cake