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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Spending 19K To Save Your 15 Year Old Cat Is A Good Example Of What Not To Do With 19K

Spending 19K To Save Your 15 Year Old Cat Is A Good Example Of What Not To Do With 19K

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — What would you do with $19,000? Buy a car or a new house? Pay off overdue bills? A University of Baltimore professor used the money to save the life of her senior cat, and she says every penny was worth it.
“He’s seen me through the worst moments of my life,” Stanley’s owner, Betsy Boyd, said. “He’s an old cat. He doesn’t run around as much as he used to.”
Boyd says she and her husband paid for the surgery out of their limited savings. They had to ditch plans for a new car.

Full story here.

As someone who made his mom spend thousands of dollars on a kidney surgery to save his favorite dog, I understand that there’s a level of hypocrisy to this blog. That’s fine. I’m a blogger. No-one is here to read an unbiased opinion, so everybody shut up and look the other way this one time. Let’s put it right out there, $19,000 is far too much money to spend on a cat. I’m sorry. I’m not that sorry, but I’m a little sorry. I understand that people get attached to animals, any animal, but cats? Come on guys we all know better than that. Just listen to the language in this article, “saw me through my worst years,” doesn’t mean a damn thing. Could have just been that this cat was watching you at your most miserable and absolutely loving it. This cat probably didn’t do shit to help you out of whatever hole you were in other than being there. That’s a fact. I’m not a huge cat hating guy. I kind of really like cats. I just know to keep my expectations low. If you’ve got a golden retriever who can read the emotions off your face and know what it means when you’re shedding tears, then you do whatever it takes to save that thing. If the furry leech that perpetually exists in your peripheral vision and uses you purely for your warmth needs a surgery, you shell out a couple hundred bucks tops, and then you wish that thing a fair journey farewell. 

Side note, how does this lady’s husband feel about her calling this cat her soulmate? This guy has got to be the most miserable husband in the fucking world right about now. He finally thinks the pills are working: the doctor’s tests point full to “kidney problems” and not to the small doses of poison he’s been slipping Stan for the past 16 months. He’s dreamt of the night he and his wife can share a bed, alone, without a small ball of fur between them, for many years. He thinks his master plan is finally coming to fruition, but next thing he knows he’s giving up that car he’s been saving up for since he finally paid the mortgage: all to save that little fuck Stan. It's very tough to play second fiddle to a cat. Keep an eye out for Stan to meet an unexpected end before the surgery date. A man can only take so much.

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