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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

I’m More Impressed With Henry Cavill’s Computer Building Than Biceps

I’m More Impressed With Henry Cavill’s Computer Building Than Biceps

To be fair we can’t just limit all the credit to the biceps; no that would be an affront to the hard work that’s gone into sculpting those swole puppies. There’s some heavy tricep and delt action in there as well -impressive Henry. I’ve seen Henry Cavill do a lot of things. I’ve seen him swing swords, I’ve seen him fly through walls, I’ve seen him photoshopped without a mustache, I’ve even seen him fly a helicopter at Tom Cruise- but this is the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen. I’m pretty sure that Cavill got outed as a gamer as he prepared for his role as Gerald in Netlfix’s Witcher TV show, but this cements it.

It’s hard as shit to build a computer. The instructions are always like, screw it in hard enough so that it doesn’t move at all but not so hard that you don’t break the motherboard in half. What even are those instructions? It’s even harder to build a computer when you’re big. There’s a reason computer nerds are skinny, and pale. It’s because they need to reach impossibly dark, hard to reach places, and if their skin glows it means one less flashlight that has to be held. 

Everybody who says building a computer is easy has never struggled to make room for their graphics card without crushing the heat sink with your fat wrist. Nobody who says it’s easy has contemplated smashing the whole contraption because their beefy fingers can’t grip the smallest screws in the world. Nobody who says it’s easy has had to take breaks because they’re sweating into their GPU. I’ve played rugby for 6 years, rehabbed multiple terrible injuries, and building that computer was still one of the most strenuous things I’ve ever done. I also appreciate that about his video. It’s clear he was working on that thing for days, days. 

That’s the other thing that I respect about this move. It’s easy to just buy all the preset parts, and have someone assemble it for you. Cavill didn’t do that. He sat down with that instruction manual and he figured it out. I built mine over Labor day weekend and was just on a continual FaceTime with my nerd brother and his nerd roommate for 65 of the 72 hours. It was terrible. Similar to Cavill I got to the end of it, triumphantly turned my newly built computer on, and got an error message. His was for an upside down heat sink. Mine was because my heat sink had no fan. You tell me who overcame more adversity. 

So all in all, hell yeah Henry Cavill. You can tell me you love PS4 and I’ll call you a gamer, it’s an inclusive club. But you show me you built your own PC, I’ll bow down and hand you the keys to Nerd city. Henry Cavill is one of us. Just way stronger.

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