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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

This Week In “Marijuana Is A Hell Of A Drug” Lady Takes An Edible (Fun) With Adderall (Oh God) And Hallucinates That There’s A Bomb On Her Flight

This Week In “Marijuana Is A Hell Of A Drug” Lady Takes An Edible (Fun) With Adderall (Oh God) And Hallucinates That There’s A Bomb On Her Flight

A United flight from Los Angeles to Newark was forced to stop short of the gate when it landed on Sunday, after a woman on the flight stood up and said that she thought there was a bomb on board.

The flight was met by police on the tarmac at Newark at 4:30 p.m., according to The Daily News. The incident set off a massive emergency response, with police cars and trucks surrounding the plane.

The Daily News, citing police sources, reports the passenger who talked about the bomb was believed to be under the influence of marijuana edibles and Adderall, and was believed to be hallucinating.

Full story here.

Look man, I can’t talk shit. I hit a dab in Colorado a few years ago that could have, and had previously, killed a buffalo. Sure sure from an outside perspective this seems super far fetched. But ask Keegan two years ago, sitting 6 inches from a camp fire, untouched hot dog in his lap, unable to speak yet mentally begging on his knees to be brought to a hospital. I’ll tell you something, that Keegan saw everything but a bomb that night. 

I’m a boring plane person. I don’t drink booze, or anything, because I hate to use the bathrooms. We can call that a cocktail of social anxiety and laziness: a cocktail i consume frequently with my pinkie up. This is also some of the reason, why I don’t fuck with weed on planes. This story is the other half. There’s no margin for error on a plane. First thing you’re take 10 mg of delicious weed caramel and the next you’ve just flushed yourself out of the lavatory. It’s no joke guys! It’s not worth it! Also, why would I want to spend two hours in the most miserable mode of transportation being more aware of my surroundings? I don’t want to get super absorbed in the smell of the recirculated air, or my seatmate’s fingernails. I’m just trying to survive the goddamn flight, my people. You don’t see me getting blazed up before heading to the DMV. 

Also, it should be said that mixing marijuana and adderall is maybe one of the craziest moves of all time, of all time. This headline could easily have been: “This Week In “Marijuana Is A Hell Of A Drug” Just Your Friendly Reminder That Adderall Is Meth For 12 Year Olds!” Airplane or not, what were your intentions? What did you think was going to happen? Do you know what either of those things do? I mean really. Did you want to sleep through the flight or hijack it? Honestly it was a coin flip! When it comes down to it, to each their own. But if you ever see me taking down a benadryl and then injecting a NASCAR-sized red bull into my forearm, please send for help. 

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