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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Paul Manafort Has Three Different Passports and Doesn't Seem Like He's Hiding Anything

Paul Manafort Has Three Different Passports and Doesn't Seem Like He's Hiding Anything


Washington (CNN) How rich are Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, and where did they travel?

That question lingered over the pair's court hearing on Monday after both faced the first indictments from Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
A new court filing Tuesday showed exactly what Manafort and Gates told banks and investigators about their net worths and travel histories over the past few years.
Among the highlights:
* Manafort currently has three US passports, each under a different number. He has submitted 10 passport applications in roughly as many years, prosecutors said.

Full story here.

That seems about right.

I will say that keeping a passport up to date is the most stressful thing of all time. It’s something you don’t need to think about FOR YEARS and then, suddenly, it’s expired and you won’t be able to leave the country because you forgot to do a million things by some obscure deadline (maybe only like one or two things, and by obscure deadline I mean: it's probably written clearly on the passport BUT STILL).

It’s stressful shit! It is legitimately a miracle every time I reach an airport with all of the materials I need to fly. I once arrived at security only to tell my mom that I’d left my wallet at home because I didn’t know you needed a license to get on a plane; she put me in a cab to go back and get it and said “our flight leaves in an hour, if you’re not here by then we’ll be back in a week”. Seriously, it takes me a lot of effort to not lose one passport, so I’ve got to give Paul M. some credit for keeping three up to date. That would be system overload for ol’ Keegs here.

I don’t know, guys, seems like being a corrupt and treasonous politician is a lot of work!

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