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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Josh Gordon's Interview With GQ is a Must Read

Josh Gordon's Interview With GQ is a Must Read


So news has hit that Josh Gordon may potentially be returning to football.

Now as tempted as I am to write several jokes about how Josh Gordon returning to the Browns would be a perfect compliment to an already dumpster-fire worthy, winless season (0-8); or how Hue Jackson must have read that GQ interview with raised eye brows- for once, I’m going to take a more serious approach to this.

I won’t get too far into it, but if you haven’t read Gordon’s interview with GQ yet, well here you go. Seriously, read it. It’s an extraordinary glimpse into the life of someone who has seriously struggled with addiction since he was in 7th grade. 7th grade. Let that sink in for a minute. Most of us, and this includes me, have only ever seen Josh Gordon as a headline. We’ve only every seen him as the guy who couldn’t stop getting high, or the guy who failed another drug test, or just kept finding a fucking way to stay of the field. I think many of us, myself included, looked at every Josh Gordon hiccup like a joke: like that friend of ours who would show up drunk to brunch, or that funny, slightly out of control guy who always went a just little bit too far. When in reality, that’s not Josh Gordon. Yes it’s funny to make fun of the Browns, but it’s clear from this article that his addiction is a monster he's struggled with since long before we ever knew his name. And while we’ve seen a joke, or a punch line, he’s been wrestling with these demons and, for the most part, failing. And give me a break with any argument that sound like “he’s a millionaire, pro athlete, what’s so difficult about his life that he needs drugs”, read this interview and if you honestly believe that, then take a good look in the mirror, because chances are you’re a fuck.

Behind every brand, behind every pro athlete’s over-the-top, quirky, strange, hyped up personality, there’s someone with the same fears, worries, anxieties, and crises that you or I have. None of that changes with Josh Gordon; and this is coming from me, the most brand-hating, vitriol-spewing blog writer with only seven readers on this side of the East River. So go ahead and read the article, because it may give you a comeback to watch, and it will, at the very least, give you a man to root for.

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