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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Home Owners Pissed That Bears Break Into Their House: Expose Ridiculous Double Standard

Home Owners Pissed That Bears Break Into Their House: Expose Ridiculous Double Standard


A Monrovia resident says a family of bears have visited her house three times in the past two weeks — once even coming inside. Cell phone video shows homeowner Jenny Mark’s husband trying to reason with the bear cub that had squeezed itself through a gap in her sliding door in an attempt to feast on cat food. Its mother and sibling waited just outside.

“We always leave our slider cracked open about five inches to let my cats go in and out,” Mark explained. “We had a wood piece made to go in the bottom of the slider so you can’t get the door open — they managed to both squeeze in.”

Mark estimates the bear cubs weighed around 200 pounds.

She said her husband tried to shoo them out, but they eventually left on their own.

Full article here.

The nerve. The fucking nerve. How dare these Monrovia residents try to shoo these bears out. That’s ridiculous. There’s a ridiculous double standard being held over bears right now. We’re raised on the Goldilocks tale where a young, blonde humanoid enters a bear home and devours their oatmeal, and then we lash out at bears when they try the same thing? Fuck that. I’m tired of it. Either condemn home-invader Goldilocks or let these bears run free. We’ve got a ridiculous number of double standards that exist in our toxically masculine society, and the first to fall should be the one against bears.

P.S. In all seriousness, these people are psychos for even staying in the house let alone shooing these bears. Once a bear makes it into your home, it’s that bear's house now. You’re homeless until that bear leaves. You had your chance to keep it out, and you fucked it up. Let the bear eat your oatmeal, your furniture, or your kids, it earned this opportunity.

High School Team Stages Epic Comeback By Scoring 3 Final-Minute Touchdowns With Help Of Savant Onside Kicker

High School Team Stages Epic Comeback By Scoring 3 Final-Minute Touchdowns With Help Of Savant Onside Kicker

8 Year Old Kills 11 Foot Gator

8 Year Old Kills 11 Foot Gator