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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Lebron James Roots for Cowboys But Loves Carson Wentz: Is A Coward

Lebron James Roots for Cowboys But Loves Carson Wentz: Is A Coward


Cover your eyes, Dallas Cowboys fans. Noted supporter LeBron James is on the Wentz Wagon. While in town to play the 76ers, the Cleveland Cavaliers' star forward revealed that Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Carson Wentz is his favorite football player.

Full article here.

UGH. Are you kidding me? This is the least surprising thing of all time. This is the last thing I’d ever expect a Cowboys fan to say which is why it’s the first thing I’d expect Lebron to say. We already saw an example of this with the Yankees hat vs. Indians hat debacle (see photo above). Lebron James is an unbelievable basketball player, but the fact remains that he is a certified all beef wiener. Want proof? This is it.

You just can’t do this. If you say you’re a fan of a team than you give them your soul. They’re your ride or die. When they lose, you lose. When they suffer, you suffer. And you know what? If you have a favorite player who’s on another team, then so be it. But you can’t have a favorite player on the team of a division rival. This isn’t shocking news, this is news as old as time! If you’re a Cowboys fan, take up arms right now. You can’t root for the Cowboys and love somebody on the Eagles, it just doesn’t work like that. This is Bloods and Crypts, Montagues and Capulets, Baldwins and O’Donnells; you want to switch teams, go ahead, but you can’t have it both ways. There are no two cities more opposite than Dallas and Philadelphia. The hate between the two of them is laced into their foundations, and hatred like that is sacred.


So on behalf of all fans: fuck off, Lebron. Say you like Wentz. Say you respect Wentz. Say Wentz has what it takes to be a great. But you keep the words “favorite player” out of your damn mouth. It makes so much sense; the Eagles are hot and the Cowboys are not, and Lebron loves the hot hand. Just surprise me once, Lebron. Please. Just once is all I ask. This is a totally on brand flip flop move by the biggest flip flopper on the planet. I’m sorry, Cowboys fans, you deserve better.

P.S. Do you now how hard it is to hate Aaron Rodgers? I have to watch every commercial of him and say he’s not funny. I have to watch every interview and ignore the fact that he has a great mustache. In another life, maybe we'd be best friends, but in this one it’ll never be allowed. As a Bears fan, I have to hate him; and as such, our fates are sealed.


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