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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Whoever Is Shocked That Kids As Young As 11 Have Gambled In Video Games Has Never Been Humiliated In A Video Game By A Kid As Young As 11

Whoever Is Shocked That Kids As Young As 11 Have Gambled In Video Games Has Never Been Humiliated In A Video Game By A Kid As Young As 11


Rolling Stone: Kids as young as 11 years-old have engaged with gambling in-game items, a new report from the UK Gambling Commission finds (via Kotaku). The report, which surveyed 2,803 people, says 11-percent of children between the ages of 11 and 16 have made bets with in-game items. Of that number 36-percent had done so in the past week of the poll. 23-percent made bets in the past month and 41-percent made bets more than a month ago. According to the report, these bets were made "when playing computer games or app-based games."

Full article here.

Um yeah no shit have you played a video game recently? Little kids own that world. I’m not talking in a cute way, I’m talking in a Ghengis Khan pillage your village and kill your family way. These kids are animals. They may be 16 years old, or they may be 8, it doesn’t fucking matter. Do you know how many times I’ve had my dreams destroyed by a prepubescent runt who’s a tenor in the school choir and still puts salt in his shoes to reach 6 feet tall? Many.


There’s nothing more disheartening than getting your ass cut up and having some high-pitched boy scout jump on the mic and tell you to suck his dick. Like, I get it dude, you’re better than me; you don’t have to make it painfully obvious that you’re fucking thirteen years old and probably sleeping with way more girls than I am. Jesus. There’s no limit to what a kid will do on the Internet, especially if he’s good at it! You just gotta leave age out of it.


One time during a coed pick up basketball game in college, one the girls tried to chase me down on a fast break, and well, I ended up dunking on her. I got a lot of shit from a lot of people for doing that, and it was probably deserved. One fella, Shasha, who was our school’s best player, said to me, “Nah Keegan, don’t worry about them. Once she steps foot on the court, she’s a man.” And the exact same logic should be used when talking about little kids and video games.


You can’t underestimate these children because if you let your guard down for a second you’re fixing to get fucked. These aren’t little kids anymore, they’re pixelated versions of terrible people that will cheat, gamble, and humiliate their way to the top.

Apparently Feet Washing Ashore In British Columbia Is No Big Deal: Happens All The Time: Again, No Big Deal

Apparently Feet Washing Ashore In British Columbia Is No Big Deal: Happens All The Time: Again, No Big Deal

Nerlens Noel Eating A Press Room Hot Dog During Half Time Means He's One Of Us

Nerlens Noel Eating A Press Room Hot Dog During Half Time Means He's One Of Us