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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Nerlens Noel Eating A Press Room Hot Dog During Half Time Means He's One Of Us

Nerlens Noel Eating A Press Room Hot Dog During Half Time Means He's One Of Us


Dallas Mavericks center Nerlens Noel became embroiled in a hot dog controversy this weekend, and it’s even more ridiculous than this sentence sounds.

The Mavericks blew out the Clippers on Saturday, but during halftime, Noel visited the media workroom and dining area to snag a hot dog. Noel was photographed grabbing one, and Rick Carlisle was asked about it after the game.

“I hear the hot dogs are very good here,” Carlisle said in his postgame press conference.

Full article here.

I know this happened a couple of weeks ago, but some things NEED to be blogged.

Sure sure Nerlens Noel probably made did this to make a statement about his playing time. And yes, it appears that Noel, now relegated to the bench, made a terrible decision in rejecting a 70 million dollar, four year deal in hopes of receiving something better. But come on guys he ate a hot dog! That's funny!


Not only is that funny,  it's the most relatable thing of all time. I don't know what it is about a hot dog, but it's so clearly the food of choice if you walk into the press room of an NBA game during half time. Something about a hot dog says athletic performance, and I don't know what it is. And no, I'm not kidding.

I'm not eating a burger because that's too heavy, but I'm also not going to eat a lettuce wrap because I want to feel less hungry not more hungry. A hot dog, "the white meat of grilled food" gets it all: a little bit of fat, carb, protein, and UMPH that you need to reach peak athleticism. It's dynamite in a bun, and what you need to finish out a tough game. Are you going to shit your pants in an hour? Probably, but you do what you've gotta do to win the game. Marshawn Lynch gets skittles, and Nerlens Noel gets hot dogs. He's one of us.


P.S. To those of you who'd argue that none of this matters because Nerlens Noel didn't play at all during the game in question, I respond, "semantics".

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