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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Man Who Jumped Into Ocean To Save Sea Turtle Is About A Million Times Braver Than Me

Man Who Jumped Into Ocean To Save Sea Turtle Is About A Million Times Braver Than Me


On Monday, dramatic moments as a man jumped off the pier to save a hooked sea turtle. "He says, 'I can jump in and try to get the hook out.' I said are you sure you want to do that? And he said yeah," Rob Merlino said about the man who jumped in.

 The young man swam towards the turtle and worked for awhile to get the hook out of the turtle's mouth. But, the turtle wasn't being cooperative.

"He was initially trying to steer it to the beach, but the turtle just wasn't having that," said Merlino.

While the turtle didn't want that but Mote Marine surely did.

While the story has a happy ending, Mote Marine worries others might follow suit and jump into the water to do a hands-on animal rescue… but, that can be dangerous.

"That is shark infested waters. These are wild animals. The best thing to do is let a trained individual like our staff go ahead and look at the turtle," said Isaacson.

Full story here.

I'll fully admit this. I'm not proud of it, and maybe it's a split second decision thing, but if that was me that sea turtle probably dies.

A kid? A dog? I like to think I'd jump in? But a sea turtle? It's not looking good.

I'm just not confident in my turtle knowledge, like I don't know which ones bite and which ones have sex in a funny way. Also, as you all know, I'm an ocean coward. It would take many dollars for me to jump off a fishing pier, many, many dollars. EVEN THESE GUYS WERE LIKE "Hey wow this probably wasn't a great idea." There's lots of sharks, animals are unpredictable, who knows what will happen down there, and well, you lost me at sharks. It just seems like that sea turtle is going to be much more likely to get itself out of that situation than I am to survive trying to help it. Honestly, I'm being selfless by keeping my blood off of that turtle's hands. I'm also not sure a turtle's going to save me from drowning anytime soon, so let's drop this double standard ALRIGHT?


Little Brother Leaps To Sister's Defense During Wrestling Match: Proves Not All Parents Are Idiots And Our World Has A Chance

Little Brother Leaps To Sister's Defense During Wrestling Match: Proves Not All Parents Are Idiots And Our World Has A Chance

This Will Go Over Poorly But Don't You Dare Say "Excuse Me" If You're Being Pushed In An Airport Wheelchair

This Will Go Over Poorly But Don't You Dare Say "Excuse Me" If You're Being Pushed In An Airport Wheelchair