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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Family That Thinks Their Cat Hiding In A Truck From Georgia To California Was An Accident Is High: Kitty Bitty Wanted The Fuck Out

Family That Thinks Their Cat Hiding In A Truck From Georgia To California Was An Accident Is High: Kitty Bitty Wanted The Fuck Out


A cat that went missing from its Georgia home is recovering and will be returned to its family after it was discovered in a Pepsi truck in the Inland Empire.

Kitty Bitty ended up in Riverside County after what appeared to be a long haul.

[...] Kitty Bitty has been missing since the Fourth of July, and the cat's family in Savannah, Georgia was ecstatic to hear the news.

"It's unbelievable to me," said Teresa Cameron, Kitty Bitty's owner. "I mean, I know cats go off and come back, but Savannah to California?"

Full story here.

HAHAHAHA, you know why Kitty Bits the cat ended up in California, because he wanted out, baby! I don’t know what pushed him there, but when Kitty Bits came to his last straw he didn’t wait.


I love the idea that this was an accident, like Kitty Bit’s loyalty would prevent him from doing this. Fuck that! He’s a cat! There’s no loyalty there. All that exists between owner and cat is a mutual beneficial relationship that works out really well for the owner during the kitten months, and then basically becomes one sided. It’s a “I’ll let you pet me and I’ll pretend to need you when I’m young and cute, and then you can feed me for the rest of my life, regardless of how I treat you” agreement, and can be demolished by the cat at anytime.


For example, my family and I had a cat in Chicago back about 15 years ago, named David (a pretty boring name for a pretty boring cat). Well David liked to wander around a bit, and eventually just chose another family over us. Just went ahead and abandoned us and his brother, Matt, who gained an insane amount of weight during his mourning period. As I remember it, nobody was that sad. Sure, people wish we had two cats, because we bought two cats, but David was clearly done with us and ready to move on; the same thing can be said of Kitty Bits.


There’s no doubt in my mind that Kitty Bits’ family treated him well, but one day he woke up, decided to renege on his agreement, and hopped on the next Pepsi truck bound for The Golden State. If anything, this is a story of a young cat that survived a perilous journey to a land of new opportunity, only to fail at the last minute. Sorry, Kitty Bits, go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Tough name, Kitty Bitty. Tough name.


Heads Up If You Are Trying To Steal A Bike In Stockton This Guy Will Fuck You Up: But Actually He Might Get Shot

Heads Up If You Are Trying To Steal A Bike In Stockton This Guy Will Fuck You Up: But Actually He Might Get Shot

Doctor Who Signed His Initials Into Patients Is A Psycho, The Cockiest Doctor Of All Time, And My Next Surgeon

Doctor Who Signed His Initials Into Patients Is A Psycho, The Cockiest Doctor Of All Time, And My Next Surgeon