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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

9 Year Old Kids Gives Up Xbox To Buy Blankets For The Homeless: May Be The Messiah: Definitely A Better Person Than Me

9 Year Old Kids Gives Up Xbox To Buy Blankets For The Homeless: May Be The Messiah: Definitely A Better Person Than Me


ASHLAND COUNTY, OH – It is that time of year when children are getting their wish lists to Santa. But when a 9-year-old boy in Ashland County was given the option of receiving a Christmas gift or help the homeless, he chose to embrace the holiday spirit of giving.

"He said, 'you can buy them a blanket,' and I said 'do you want to give up one Christmas gift to get a blanket to give to someone:' And he said okay and when he got home, he later said if the XBox is $300, and the blankets are $10 then I can buy 30 blankets,”

Full story here.

Now this is a hero. You show me someone who deserves that label more than this, I dare you. Do you know the odds that an 9-year-old faces to be a good person? They’re like a million to one. These kids haven’t even developed perspective yet, how are they supposed to not be selfish little assholes? The answer is, I don’t know! But this kid does it.

I don’t know how, as an 9-year-old, you give up an Xbox. That’s just absurd. If I was 9-years-old, I’d give up my siblings before I gave up my Xbox, no question about it. “Oh you want to take the one thing I think about all the time, take my five brothers and sisters instead. Keep them.” ESPECIALLY AROUND THE HOLIDAYS. You’re telling me that this kid is entering winter break, the Mecca of long video-gaming marathons, and he’s giving it up! WHAT?


There is no more magnificent period of time for a young video gaming child than winter break. Suddenly all of the barriers that once existed between you and your happy place are gone, bedtimes don't matter, it's fucking miserable outside, and you can post up in the basement from December 18th-January 3rd and nobody's going to say shit about it. The fact that this kid gave it all up to buy blankets for the homeless is something else. I don’t know whether this kid has a heart of gold, or is a future-saint, but there’s something special about him. I’d have taken my Xbox, locked myself in my room, and let the homeless people freeze to death. It’s terrible, I know. But that’s what 9-year-olds and I do.


So enough with all of your holiday hero bullshit, we’ve got our guy. We don’t need more than one. Maybe a lesser hero would need a few compatriots but our boy Mikah Frye can wear this crown all on his own.


P.S. Microsoft gave Mikah a couple of gift bags (including an Xbox) as a reward for his actions, and it’s still not enough. Is there a Medal of Honor for 9-year-olds? This kid needs one.




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