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Christmas Trees Have Mold That Can Give You Life Threatening Asthma Attacks: What Did We Do To Deserve This?

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A warning this holiday season about something that is called “Christmas Tree Syndrome” where people get sick from being around the tree. A centerpiece of the season: the Christmas tree and the real ones are a beautiful tradition from nature.

But real trees can trigger an allergic reaction with symptoms that can include: wheezing, coughs, congestion, sore eyes and potentially life-threatening asthma attacks.

“What they’re allergic to is the mold that settles on the tree during its growing time and arguably sometimes when it’s waiting to be sold here on the lot,” said Jimmy Coan, who’s a Christmas tree farmer.

Full story here.

Classic war on Christmas if you ask me! First we’ve got to start saying happy holidays and now even our Christmas trees can kill us. What the hell is going on here? Huh? Who’s poisoning our Christmas trees? Here I was, hoping that I could go home for the holidays to spend some quality time with my family without contracting some deadly asthma attack disease from some moldy pine needles. I guess I’m out of luck. Isn’t this the plot of that Wahlberg movie "The Happening”, all the trees are moldy and make everybody want to kill themselves?


What’s wrong with this Christmas season? People stealing packages, people being fake heroes, and now moldy Christmas trees. I’m fucking done, I’m debating giving up on this holiday season altogether, just looking forward to Christmas 2018 already. Everybody fucked this one up already.