Bobcat High School Standoff Somehow Doesn’t End In Tragedy — Here's A Blog Are You Happy Now?
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Bobcat High School Standoff Somehow Doesn’t End In Tragedy

Bobcat High School Standoff Somehow Doesn’t End In Tragedy

ANTHEM, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) - A bobcat family caused some excitement at Boulder Creek High School Monday, causing the school to be locked down for a time during the students’ first day back in class after the holiday break.

“There is a mother bobcat on campus and her babies have fallen into a drainpipe,” according to a pop-up message on the school’s website. “AZ Game and Fish is on the scene to handle the mother bobcat as they rescue the bobcat babies. This is in the area near the cafeteria. School is under lockdown until the situation is cleared.”

Both kittens are heading to Southwest Wildlife where they will be reunited with their mother. 

Full story here.

Not often we get a good old win win around here, but here we have one! Don't ask me how this turned out anywhere near okay, and I will not have an answer for you.

I mean what potential chaos we have when a bobcat family enters a school. That script could write itself! We’ve got potential for a blood bath, a Lord of the Flies-esque hunting party, and frankly, one hell of a blog. This blog loves chaos. That being said, this blog loves chaos a little less when it comes to schools. In terms of tragedies we missed out on, I will begrudgingly admit that this is a good one. But seriously, how did nobody get eaten?

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All of our high school kids got the normal drudgery of a school day disrupted. That rules. We can all root for snow days, tornado days, and now, classes-interrupted-by-bobcat days. Sure it would have been better to have had school cancelled enitrely, but these snivelling teenage beggars can't be choosers. This is a win for them, no doubt about it. Not only that, but the bobcat doesn’t get murdered! What? It’s almost like Arizona knows how to deal with wild animals. Not only does the bobcat not get murdered, but its kittens get rescued? For the love of all that is holy, this is a win-win!

I could honestly not give less of a shit about these high school students, but I’m genuinely relieved that these kittens were saved. Fuck this high school for not kitten-proofing their drain pipes, maybe you deserve to have someone get chewed on. 

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