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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

This Blog Is So Sick: It’s Collapsing Under Its Own Sickness

This Blog Is So Sick: It’s Collapsing Under Its Own Sickness

Here’s a little PSA out there for the hundreds (4) of readers out there: this blog is very sick. It’s actually so sick that’s collapsing under its own sickness. My articles are fat, so fat that this blog has torn both of its ACL’s and now has to crawl to the bathroom like a goddamn slug. I have spent the past four months loading this blog with as much content as you, or for that matter I, can handle. It appears that in that process, I may have taken the GIF’s a little too far, so far that I may have to cut back on GIFs for a little while. I sincerely hope you understand, as someone who can’t read- I, of all people, really appreciate the allure of moving pictures. 


Yes, that sucks. The only explanation for this is that someone at the top is trying to take me down. They’re so scared of what this blog, this brand, and this darkness can become that they’re trying to ruin this thing with their “big data problems”. So sure, Square Space, I’ll go back through and recompress every GIF in my 300+ blogs on top of providing content for the entire east coast of the USA (my apartment in Brooklyn). As much as hearing news I don’t like makes me want to burn this entire website to the ground to spite the world, I love it too much. Nice try, Square Space, here I was thinking that we’d found a balance that worked for both of us, but i was wrong, and you have made a powerful enemy. You tried to ruin my blog and failed, are you happy now?


P.S. Seriously there will be less GIFS from here on out, sorry. I’m also looking for more twitter mention so don't not @ me.

Old Woman Shoots At Pesky Kids

Old Woman Shoots At Pesky Kids

Here's A Podcast Are You Happy Now? Ep. 11 "Sophie's Hangover"

Here's A Podcast Are You Happy Now? Ep. 11 "Sophie's Hangover"