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A Valuable Lesson From The Peter Rabbit Controversy: Don't Tell Your Enemies About Your Allergies

“Peter Rabbit,” which came out last week, features live actors and computer-generated animals. A human character named Tom McGregor is allergic to blackberries. In a quest to gain access to his garden, rabbits pelt him with fruits and vegetables before using a slingshot to send a blackberry flying into his mouth.
It works.
Mr. McGregor struggles to inject himself with an EpiPen and then has anaphylaxis and collapses.
Nicole Drey of Merrick, N.Y., said her son Brayden, 7, has such severe allergies that she takes him to movie theaters early in the day, when the air and the seats are as clean as possible.
Brayden did not like it.
“I was really afraid about the one part where they shot the blackberries,” he said. “I was upset because he had to use his EpiPen.”

Full story here.

Well yeah, allergies are real, and there's a real lesson here: if you're deathly allergic to black berries you shouldn't pick on people or rabbits. Oh you were upset by the EpiPen, Brandon? Well good, don't eat the things your allergic to and don't tell any of your enemies about them either. Pretty simple if you ask me. I don't really get what the problem is here? Bambi's mom got her brains exploded by a hunter, Mufasa got got by a herd of wildebeests, and they were the good guys! What’s so bad about having a bad guy break into hives by way of the raspberry’s dark cousin? Allergies are dangerous, and there can’t be many better ways to raise awareness than having this guy choke on an EpiPen.

Let’s be honest: if you’re fighting a dude with a blackberry allergy, are you not going to try and shove a bunch of blackberries down his throat until he goes into anaphaleptic shock? You surely are. Sure this is scary for kids, but shouldn’t they be a little scared? If you have an allergy it’s in your best interest to treat it seriously.  Kids have got to accept their weaknesses and plan around them. Me? I found out I was diabetic when I was six, so my weakness was obviously sugar. Now, to be fair, I ignored the advice of doctors, family members and several TV commercials and ate more sugar than many thought humanly possible, and thus no longer have any weaknesses, so I’m not a good example of this:  but come on!