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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Son Builds His Dad A Prosthetic Arm: I'm Not Crying, You're Crying

Son Builds His Dad A Prosthetic Arm: I'm Not Crying, You're Crying

ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - Robbie Frei wanted to give his dad a hand.
So, he built him an arm.
“I decided to create a 3D printed costumed scanned prosthetic arm for my dad who is an amputee,” says Robbie Frei, 3D Arm Maker.
The Priory High School senior, who wants to go into robotics in college, designed a term long three-month thesis project.
His mission, to build a 3-D printed arm for his father injured in an RPG attack in 2003 in Iraq.

Full story here.

I was kind of going to make fun of this in like a, “this is super nice but wouldn’t you want a professional to do this,” way until it became abundantly clear that this kid might be a professional. This kid seems like a fucking genius. I honestly opened this article expecting to see an arm that was made out of paper mache, and then I see this bionic masterpiece that he just whipped together. Unbelievable. We fucking needed a feel good story this week, and this was it. Not a great week to be perusing the internet for your chosen unpaid profession- but we needed a win, and we got one.

Im+not+crying+its+just+been+raining+on+my+face+_8fc442a69cc044601677791744130c19 (1).gif

How lucky are you to be this guy’s dad? I can’t even remember the best gifts I’ve gotten for my old man. I think I’ve bought him the complete Die Hard series twice, and he’s opened it neither time. I think I may have drawn him a picture once. Other than that, I’ve hit him in the face a lot during numerous dad coaching son days, and I eat a lot of chips with him. So yeah, really seems like this kid’s got me beat. I hit my dad with unintentional elbows a lot and buy him movies he’s seen a thousand times, and this kid prints his dad a state of the art prosthetic. Not only an arm that can throw a ball, but an adapter so his dad can play video games with him. Holy shit this kid is son of the year. One of us is Einstein, and the other is one of the background kids in Cheaper By The Dozen. This guy rules, he’s really making me look stupid, but he rules nonetheless.

Dude Invents Way To Clip His Dog's Nails: Now I'm Weirdly Excited To Clip My Dog's Nails: I Don't Have A Dog

Dude Invents Way To Clip His Dog's Nails: Now I'm Weirdly Excited To Clip My Dog's Nails: I Don't Have A Dog

This Movie Is Selling Itself Fully On The Cuteness Of Baby Pandas And I DON'T HATE IT

This Movie Is Selling Itself Fully On The Cuteness Of Baby Pandas And I DON'T HATE IT