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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Old Woman Burning Rubber And Having No Regard For Her Own Life Or The Life Of Her Mobility Scooter Is Must Watch News

Old Woman Burning Rubber And Having No Regard For Her Own Life Or The Life Of Her Mobility Scooter Is Must Watch News

(Skip to 4:40 to see this lady cruise through an intersection with no regard for her own safety, and 8:50 to see her near escape to the interstate.)

Here it is, one of the top videos of 2018 without a doubt. We've got this old lady just cruising at 5mph down city streets and through intersections, with aspirations of reaching the interstate. I don't know what this lady was headed towards but my god it must have been SERIOUS. Nobody's this determined for groceries, and while I have no idea what her destination was, I can say with confidence that she was on a goddamn mission. 

A couple shoutouts in this video.

1.  The old lady in question. Just committed fully to your mission. I don't know where you're going but you know you've got the wheels, the turning capacity, the balls, the old lady don't give a fuck attitude, and most importantly, the horsepower to get there. Also, you've got a badass sunhat. 

2. The woman filming. Bless your heart for trying to prevent this lady from getting run over by a car too tall to see her, but at some point you've got to realize that it's time to call the police. I'm torn because if she calls the police earlier then we don't get the full 11 minutes of this video, which if you haven't watched yet, has a TERRIFIC ending. That being said, at some point you've got to realize that this lady has no intention of stopping and is using you to escape via freeway. 

3. The second car who comes in and tries to box the scooter lady in. This is where we really know that the old lady is serious. This car's trying to box her in and she's weaving in and out of it like a 12 year old playing GTA. This is a full on SWAT manuever. We've got the passenger side door open, people screaming out of it, and I assume someone's getting ready to pull this lady in. It's basically just like the entire movie of Speed except a little slower and less Keanu Reeves sweating.

4. The cop. My god. Please. Please. If you haven't watched the end of this video, you must. There is no image that will replace the footage of this old woman trying to escape by scooter from a police officer into 5 lanes of cars going 75mph. This lady almost fooled him too. Very clutch grab from the police officer here. You know how you come back from getting your ankles broken by an elderly person on a mobility scooter? You don't. That shit sticks to you forever. Just throw yourself into traffic at that point. You can't get ankled, two stepped, and then dragged into traffic by an old person on a scooter in a sun hat.

 If Any Fish Is Fooled By This Spying Fish Robot, Then Fish Are Far Dumber Than I Thought: Which Was Pretty Dumb.

If Any Fish Is Fooled By This Spying Fish Robot, Then Fish Are Far Dumber Than I Thought: Which Was Pretty Dumb.

Little Kid Fucks Around In The Mud And Finds A Rare Fossil

Little Kid Fucks Around In The Mud And Finds A Rare Fossil