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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Prince Charles Denies Rumors That He Carries Around A Personal Toilet Seat: I Am Disappointed Yet Again

Prince Charles Denies Rumors That He Carries Around A Personal Toilet Seat: I Am Disappointed Yet Again

Prince Charles has responded angrily to claims he takes his own toilet seat with him on trips abroad.
The 69-year-old heir to the throne was asked whether the rumour was true on live radio during a seven-day tour of Australia.
Prince Charles replied to the question from a reporter for Brisbane's Hit105 station by spluttering: "My own what?"
The prince added: '"Oh, don't believe all that crap. The very idea."

Full story here.

Um why the fuck not Prince Charles? You’re a prince my guy, and an old dude. You shouldn’t have to worry about ass infections or uncomfortable toilet seats like the rest of us. In fact, I’d argue that a personalized toilet seat would be a great use of royal power. This is a prime example of a luxurious lifestyle choice that makes your life a little bit easier and doesn’t step on too many of the commoners' toes. You're not bulldozing an entire community to make room for your private pool, you're trying to make your butt more comfortable. You’re a prince, Prince Charles, you’ve earned, or rather been divinely appointed, the right to not have a sore bum after sitting on the toilet playing fortnite on your iPhone for 2 hours. Not only that, but there are few more cringe-worthy moments then when you have to sit down on a toilet seat in a kind of nasty bathroom. If that’s something you can avoid, then by all means do it. You think that Prince Charles is laying down pieces of TP before he he places cheek on seat? I hope to god that he does not. That's waht the rest of us peasants do, sir! You can do better! 

As anybody who’s anybody knows from reading this blog, I’m pretty fed up with royal behavior/Britain as of late, so this would be a pretty big step towards me even thinking about forgiveness. What’s with these people? Use your power for good, and fun! You can do both! I just want one royal person, one time, to show me that they’re having a good time with their power, is that too much to as for? Just do one thing on brand for me. Prince Charles bringing a diamond encrusted toilet seat to the lou with him is what I need. Save that ass, Prince Charles, save that ass.

Can You Fight A Kid On An Airplane: A Letter To My Future Child

Can You Fight A Kid On An Airplane: A Letter To My Future Child

 Guy Cleans Fish Tank: Releases Second Deadliest Toxin On Earth, Related: The World Is A Fucking Death Trap

Guy Cleans Fish Tank: Releases Second Deadliest Toxin On Earth, Related: The World Is A Fucking Death Trap