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A.P.A Says Traditional Masculinity Can Hurt Boys- Can Go Right Ahead And Hop The Fuck Off Of Our Brand

The American Psychological Association approved its first set of official guidelines for working with boys and men. It posits that males who are socialised to conform to “traditional masculinity ideology” are often negatively affected in terms of mental and physical health.

Take a fucking step back A.P.A. We summited this mountain long before you realized that boys CAN cry. I don’t know how many times I can go on live radio, admit to being pretty bad at sex, an ugly crier, borderline psychopath, and then publicize those secrets to the WORLD before I am unemployable for the rest of my life. But I’ll be damned if someone’s going to swoop in and take credit for what we’ve been saying all along.

Grow a mustache, cry at rom coms, get in fisticuffs with assholes dressed as spiderman, be bad but generous in bed, kiss your bros, be nice to your girlfriends.

Fuck off we were here first.