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 I went to college to learn how to spell and it's not going great for me.

Teacher Suing For Being Called A Racist After Allegedly Treating Students Like Slaves In History Lesson

Teacher Suing For Being Called A Racist After Allegedly Treating Students Like Slaves In History Lesson

A teacher fired after allegedly stepping on African-American students` backs during a slavery lesson at a Bronx school is filing a legal notice against the city, asking for damages of $1 billion, all in an effort to clear her name.

This happened a year ago but as one of my all time favorite sayings goes, “if you argue against being a racist we get to decide whether you’re a racist AGAIN”.

I can look at this headline and immediately know that it’s racist. Or at least racist enough that I would not ever give an excuse for another press cycle.  Every white racist spider tingle sense in my body is in overdrive right now. This is not complicated stuff! Take notes all of you future teachers: show your kids a movie about slavery; do not treat them like slaves. 

A Blog Delayed: Bulls Rob Lakers Fans Of Tacos Purely Out Of Spite, And Still Effectively Tank

A Blog Delayed: Bulls Rob Lakers Fans Of Tacos Purely Out Of Spite, And Still Effectively Tank

 A.P.A Says Traditional Masculinity Can Hurt Boys- Can Go Right Ahead And Hop The Fuck Off Of Our Brand

A.P.A Says Traditional Masculinity Can Hurt Boys- Can Go Right Ahead And Hop The Fuck Off Of Our Brand