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Danish Inventor Admits to Dismembering Body But Not Committing Murder... Doesn't Seem Suspicious At All

Copenhagen (CNN)A Danish inventor has admitted to dismembering the body of Swedish journalist Kim Wall on his privately built submarine but continues to deny killing her, Danish police said.

Peter Madsen, who is accused of murdering Wall, now claims she died of carbon monoxide poisoning while he was on deck, police said.
Madsen had previously claimed in court that Wall died accidentally after hitting her head on a hatch in the submarine .
Full story here.

Man, I’ll go out on a limb here and say it reaaaaaaalllllyyyyyy seems like this guy murdered Kim Wall.

Now as one pretty bad liar to another: saying you dismembered a body but didn’t murder the person, especially when you are the only two people on a submarine and you’ve changed your story twice, doesn't seem convincing. It comes across a lot like saying, yes, you stole a bunch of halloween candy but, no, you didn’t eat it. “Where did it go? Oh it all fell in the trash! Oh no whoops sorry, the dog ate it but shit all the wrappers out and is fine! Oh actually I didn’t steal that candy, someone else ate it and left all the wrappers out so I just hid them under the heater so that there wasn’t a mess.” Trust me, I was the kid who got grounded every year for stealing halloween candy and then lying about it. I should have won an award for most conspicuous candy stealing. I’d offer up a court-room worthy defense of why I didn’t steal my sweets from the cupboard, only to have my parents find my pillows stained with chocolate.

My point is: buddy, if you admit you dismembered someone, people might be more convinced you also murdered them; those urges seem to go hand in hand.

Again, I’m a terrible liar so maybe I shouldn’t be giving advice, but I also know one of the main many reasons I don’t murder people is because I’d never get away with it. Lock him up. Throw away the key. Sink his submarine.

P.S. This is a truly horrific crime, and thoughts and prayers go out to the Kim Wall's family, but if it wasn’t already clear, this is reason #1087 why you should never go on a submarine.