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Good Samaritan Gets Carjacked And Someone Will Suffer For It

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- A Good Samaritan was robbed of her car and phone outside of Truman Medical Center after giving a couple a ride there. Joni Bontrager says she had just finished driving for Uber around 2 a.m. on Sunday morning and decided to get something to eat before headed home.

“I went down to Texas Toms to get some drive through. Well after I got my food, I see a couple standing right there by the street and when I was getting ready to leave the chick waved me over,” said Bontrager.

“She’s like, 'can you help us out? We walked all the way here from North Kansas City, we need a ride to Truman Medical Center, so-and-so is in the hospital right now,'” Bontrager recalls.

Since it was right around the corner and the couple seemed friendly, Bontrager agreed to give them a ride.

“When they were getting ready to get out the guy just reaches over and grabs my neck and I was down from there,” she explained.

Full article here.

Ugh this suuuuucks. Congratulations, you two delinquents, you just created a monster. You took one of the last good ones. You took a shining light, full of optimism and naiveté, and you choked it until it handed you over the car keys. Our world is so wired against good Samaritans right now, it’s terrible. It used to be different. People used to be open to others helping them, and trusting that nobody was going to stab them in the back. Everybody’s wired for bear these days, and a Good Samaritan is just as likely to get popped as patted on the back.

I will say though, there is nothing worse in the world than getting off a long shift, getting some comfort food, and then having something get in the way. It’s in these moments where are all you want is some Texas Tom’s and your couch. It's in these moments where you can’t see past your next meal, and where your mouth moves at the drive through without your mind telling it what to say; God help anyone who gets in your way. I’m shocked that these two carjackers didn’t have their throats eaten, poking mama bear like that. Alas, they got away. And although our protagonist Joni may have lost the battle, those criminals will lose the war; karma isn’t kind to those that steal cars and comfort food, especially at the end of a workday.

P.S. Honestly the carjackers will probably be fine; I just feel bad for whatever poor soul next asks Joni for a favor.