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Becoming Abundantly Clear That Washington Is Full Of Creeps

Alright guys, it might be time to just hit the reset button. It looks like giving the majority of the power to rich white guys didn’t work out too well for us. With the most recent allegations against Al Franken, and more and more people speaking up about the terrible actions of high ranking officials in Washington, it really seems like we’ve just a bunch of creeps on our hands. Here I was thinking maybe we had some good eggs out there, people who could do their jobs without abusing their position or status, but nope we got us a bunch of creepy dudes! I’ll be honest the Al Franken news hurts. He really put on a good show of being a vocal advocate of speaking up against sexual assault, but looks like he may be the biggest hypocrite of them all. So that’s just great, we’ve got Roy “creepy mall” Moore and now Al Franken and countless others holding serious positions of power in our system. Regardless of party, or any politics whatsoever, this can’t happen. So what do we do now? Just tell everybody to pack up, go home, and we’ll decide who gets reelected tomorrow? Maybe our best bet is just give all of them Snapchat, and see who sends a dick pic first. I don’t know. It's good that we can get this conversation going, and in the mean time I really think the Snapchat idea is a good one.

P.S. Really crazy to think that it was the creepy old white guys doing the assaulting this whole time!